Bali – Mt Batur Hot Springs

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After our dawn hike up an active volcano to see the sunrise, we walked back down and straight into the Mt Batur Natural Hot Springs resort for a relaxing soak.

The walk down the volcano was through rainforest and along winding paths. With the daylight, we could see more of the scenery that we had passed on the way up. It was stunning.

Our guide walked us down the path on the other side of the volcano. The descent was considerably easier than the hike by torchlight to the top because of the daylight and the lack of steps. However, the path was at times a little loose and slippery – probably because of the rainforest that was all around us. We took the winding path down through the patchwork of plantations, growing onions and also other vegetables. As the path levelled out, we stopped at a Bali hut, soaked in some dawn views, and afterward our driver whisked us away to our next destination.

Looking up to the top of Mount Batur, you can just make out the people at the summit (right). Conversely, we had stopped from our hike to watch the dawn slightly lower at the edge of the caldera, just below the left summit in the above picture. The rainforest visible on the lower slopes held our downhill walk after dawn.

The entrance to the Mt Batur Hot Springs was the usual Indonesian affair. Ramshackle buildings and structures held together with more will and determination than planning and fixings. Every rock seemed to have something growing between it, life was everywhere. We walked past tourist stalls selling swimwear and souvenirs, but already had our supplies in our backpacks. As the buildings loomed into view, we could see the ornate statues and impressive array of buildings.

The hot springs are fed from the volcanic rocks, and are clear and warm. At Batur Natural Hot Spring, the pools cascade in tiers, with the higher pools overflowing into the lower ones. Some areas are little streams and ornamental features to move water into lower pools, adding variety and beauty. Exploring the area, there are plenty of places to sit out of the water, and also a lot of space in the water to either relax or swim. The pools vary in depth, with some featuring slightly submerged stepping stones or very shallow areas where you can dip just your feet.

As we were lucky enough to arrive just after dawn, we were almost the first in the water. Bianca managed to relax with a drink on her own in many pools. From the small bar, we both grabbed a drink that was based on local fruits. The vivid red drink was just what we needed to start our day.

As the morning warmed up, more people arrived, and the noise level increased. Our tranquil little space became more active with tourists. First a few turned up, then large groups arrived. Some were splashing and roaring in delight at the experience. However, for us the warm waters were still a gentle and soothing treatment for our aching muscles. Nonetheless, we managed to find some quiet corners to sit and relax for a little longer.

This was a perfect way to relax our tired bodies after the challenging hike up the volcano. And just look at the view! As the dawn mist over lake Batur started to evaporate, the scenery started to change. With the mist lifting, we could then see more of the other side of the lake. The sun started to shine on the distant mountains, and the forests became more clear. The shadows started to disappear with the mist, and the warmth of Bali engulfed us.

We had enjoyed our cocktails, hot springs and views! Beautiful! When the time came to leave, we returned our towels, changed into the sweaty clothes we had climbed the volcano in, and took the long bus back to our hotel.